Tuesday, 4 March 2008

The Road to Serfdom

It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.

It would be difficult to define the world as I see it today more poignant than Voltaire just did. Therefore I will not even try. Except I will. Confused? I am.

What I do know is that the road to serfdom can be way too short sometimes.

It is hard to see the value in ones own opinions when realizing that those who came before already have done a much better job at it. As that is the case one can only expect that this blog will be filled with a lot of quotes, citations and musings on rather strange topics. All in the name of trying to be both original and within the frames of an intellectually accepted level of so-called "speech".

At least this is evident in my first (or rather second) entry - it's about Kerry Howley taking over the world. Enjoy?

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